Minutes of ARPP Committee
March 9,1998

Present: Thomas Curley, Alan Fischler (Chair), Charles Kelly, Jessica Kling, Michael Krause, William Rinaman, Marcia Ruwe

1. The Committee welcomed Jessica Kling as the new student representative to the Committee.

2. The Committee has quite a large number of proposals before it. It was decided that, at the next meeting we would decide on those items that we will not be able to consider this year.

3. Dean Ruwe reported on the progress of the consideration of applicants for the pre-doctoral program. Three applications were distributed to four departments. Of those, three departments have reported negatively. The English Department is still reviewing the application of a person in comparative literature. Professor Kelly suggested that, in order to increase the applicant pool, the College attempt to more widely disseminate announcements for the position next year.

4. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

5. The Committee returned to the proposal on scheduling of athletic events. The proposal was ready in rough draft form which was read to the Committee. It was found to be generally acceptable, but the Committee wished to see a final draft. Some members felt that the wording should be kept somewhat general so as not to tie the hands of the Athletic Department too much. Others felt that the scheduling of athletic events should be under very tight control by the College.

6. The Committee considered the proposal for shared faculty positions. The proposal was deemed to consist of two main areas. One was the establishment of a program for opening up positions to be filled by new hires to be shared positions. The other was that of allowing current faculty members to share their positions with another. The Committee felt that allowing current faculty members to share their positions was not in the best interests of the College and should not be implemented. It was felt that opening up new positions to be shared was worth further consideration. A number of details need to be addressed. Should shared positions be restricted to a single department, or could a shared position be established with two departments? Shared positions are most appropriate in those situations where the needs of a department are such that a single person cannot meet all of them. It was felt that the details of a proposal for shared positions would be best established by forming a committee of faculty and administration. Professor Fischler agreed to draft a report to the Academic Vice President with a copy to the President of the Faculty Senate. In it he will indicate that we feel that a 100% shared position for new hires should be explored. Such a position should be limited to two people. These people need not necessarily be in a marital relationship. A mechanism should be established that would allow that not all hirings be advertised as possibly being shared position. The committee to be established should also take into consideration the concerns mentioned previously.

7. The Committee will next meet on Monday, March, 23, 1998, at 2:30 P.M. in the Continuous Learning Conference Room. The final proposal on scheduling of athletic events will be voted on. The Committee will then discuss which items will be postponed until next year. Time permitting, the Committee will take up the proposal regarding the establishment of a College-wide common hour.

Respectfully submitted

William C. Rinaman

Created: 4/3/98 Updated: 4/7/98