Approved Minutes of ARPP Committee
(October 22, 1997)

Members of the Committee present were: Thomas Curley, Clifford Donn, Alan Fischler (Chair), Charles Kelly, Michael Krause, William Rinaman, and Deborah Tooker. Athletic Director Richard Rockwell, an invited guest, was present for a large portion of the meeting.

1. Professor Fischler welcomed Professor Curley (the new representative from Division V) and Director Rockwell to the meeting.

2. The proposed minutes of the October 8th meeting were unanimously approved.

3. Director Rockwell summarized the document (dated October 1, 1997) the Committee had received from him through the Academic Dean on "Proposed Changes to Drop the Physical Education Requirement". His recommendation was that the College eliminate the two course non-credit Physical Education requirement for all classes starting with the Class of 2001. Courses for those upper-class students who still need to meet the requirements would be offered during the Spring 1998 and Fall 1998 semesters.

3.1 In response to questions, Director Rockwell expanded on the rationale contained in his proposal. Only thirty to thirty-five percent of the students in each class year are currently fulfilling the requirement. Athletes have it waived as do "non-traditional students" and those with heavy outside job commitments. He stressed that the Academic Dean has made admirable efforts to enforce the requirement. Though enforcement is a problem, the very existence of the requirement can be challenged as student participation in intramural athletic activities has been quite extensive. Indeed, the opening of the Recreation Center in 1990 caused a sharp increase in intramural events and in the overall use of athletic facilities: between 2:30 and 10:00 p.m. the building is quite crowded with those engaging in various physical activities. Admittedly, however, it is correct to claim that those students who need it most might lose the opportunity for developing a life-long commitment to a sport or exercise routine if the Physical Education requirement is eliminated.

3.2 After Director Rockwell's departure, the Committee discussed his proposal. Professor Curley moved that the Physical Education requirement for all classes be immediately eliminated. Professor Krause seconded the motion. Professor Kelly thought that the philosophical basis for the present requirement (mens sana in corpore sano) needed to be thoroughly explored, that the documentation being supplied for its elimination needed substantial supplementation, and that the proposal itself should have been formally presented much earlier in the semester. His proposal to table the motion (seconded by Professor Tooker) was defeated (2 Yeas, 5 Nays, 0 Abstentions). Professor Tooker's friendly amendment (That the Athletic Department must offer at least two non-credit, optional mini-courses on different recreational activities each semester for interested students in order to foster the notion of lifelong participation in physical activity) was accepted. So amended, the motion to eliminate immediately the Phys

3.3 The Committee instructed the Chair to forward the approved motion to the Faculty Senate President for the purpose of including it on the agenda of the next meeting of the Executive Board.

4. Professor Rinaman will be working with Professor Edward Judge on the sub-committee examining the various "Common Hour" proposals. Members of the committee should forward copies of the opinions of their constituents to Professor Rinaman.

5. The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 12th, at 2:30 p.m. in the Continuous Learning Conference Room. Professor Tooker's document on "Classroom Space" will then be discussed.

Respectfully submitted:

Charles J. Kelly

Created: 11/20/97 Updated: 12/8/97