Materials from other semesters

Spring 2024

COR-400G, Heroism and the Human Spirit

Philosophy 210, Moral Philosophy

Philosophy 311, Introdution to Formal Logic

Fall 2023

COR-400G, Heroism and the Human Spirit

Philosophy 210, Moral Philosophy

Fall 2022

COR-400G, Heroism and the Human Spirit

PHL 324-01/REL 383-01, Philosophies of Judaism

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

COR-400G, Heroism and the Human Spirit Syllabus for Fall 2020
Revision of 8/27/2020 (as of 8/27/20; most recent edits 10/4/20)
Materials for COR-400G-- Heroism and the Human Spirit

Syllabus Moral Philosophy, PHL 210-04, 210-05 (MWF) and PHL 210-06 (MW) Fall, 2020,
Revision of 8/23/2020; updated 10/4/2020.
Materials for PHL-210, Moral Philosophy

Spring 2020

Fall 2019



Spring 2019


Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017



Spring 2017


Fall 2016

Spring 2016


Spring 2015


Fall 2014


Spring 2014


Fall 2013


Spring 2013



Fall 2012


Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007

Spring 2007

Fall  2006

PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Fall 2006 syllabus

Spring 2006

Fall 2005

Summer 2005

Spring 2005

Fall 2004

Summer 2004

Spring 2004

Fall 2003

Summer 2003

Spring 2003

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit 

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Spring 2003  syllabus

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit]

Philosophies of Judaism

↵  Philosophies of Judaism (PHL 335, REL 383), Spring 2003 Syllabus

↵  [Philosophies of Judaism: Useful and Interesting Links]


↵  Formal Logic, Indpendent Study, Spring 2003 Syllabus

↵  For informal logic, see  PHL 312-01, Syllabus, Informal Logic and Critical Thinking, Fall 2001


Fall 2002

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit 

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Fall 2002 syllabus

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Philosophical Perspectives on the Human Situation

Summer 2002

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit (Summer 2002 Session B)

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Summer 2002 syllabus 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 












Fall 2001

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

Informal Logic Fall 2001












Spring 2001

Philosophical Foundations of Western Thought












Fall 2000

Asian Philosophy

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit (Summer 2000 Session B)

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Summer 2000 syllabus 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit Spring 2000

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Spring 2000 syllabus 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Informal Logic Spring 2000

↵  PHL 312, An Introduction to Informal Logic and Critical Thinking, Spring 2000 Syllabus 

↵  [Links to  some materials relevant for informal logic and critical thinking] 

Philosophies of Judaism, Fall 1999

↵  Philosophies of Judaism (PHL 335, REL 383), Fall 1999 Syllabus 

↵  [Philosophies of Judaism: Useful and Interesting Links]

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit (Summer Session B)

↵  PHL 403, Heroism and the Human Spirit, Summer 1999 syllabus 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Issues in Ethics (Session A)

↵  Philosophy 302-A1: Issues in Ethics Summer 1999 Syllabus 

↵  [PHL 302A Issues in Ethics, other materials (links, handouts, etc.) 

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

↵  [Syllabus for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit--Spring 1999] 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

↵  [Syllabus for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit--Fall1998] 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Informal Logic and Critical Thinking

↵  [Syllabus for PHL 312-01, An Introduction to Informal Logic and Critical Thinking--Fall1998]

↵  [Links to  some materials relevant for informal logic and critical thinking] 

↵  Philosophy 302-A1: Issues in Ethics Summer 1998 Syllabus 

↵  [PHL 302A Issues in Ethics, other materials (links, handouts, etc.) 

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

↵  [Syllabus for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit--Spring1998] 

↵  [Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit] 

Philosophies of Judaism

↵  [Syllabus for PHL 335 (REL 383)--Philosophies of Judaism--Spring 1998] 

↵  [Philosophies of Judaism: Useful and Interesting Links]

Philosophical Perspectives on the Human Situation

[Syllabus for PHL 201- Philosophical Perspectives on the Human Situation]
[Course Links for PHL 201--Philosophical Perspectives on the Human Situation

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

[Syllabus for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit--Fall 1997]
[Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit]

Asian Philosophy

[Syllabus for PHL 336--Asian Philosophy--Spring 1997]

[Materials for PHL 336--Asian Philosophy]

Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit

[Syllabus for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit--Spring 1997]

[Materials for PHL 403--Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit]

[PHL 302A Issues in Ethics, Summer Materials]

[A summer syllabus, PHL 403 Senior Seminar on Heroism and the Human Spirit]

[Philosophic Thought of the Middle Ages (PHL 314)]

Philosophies of Judaism

Lilith material

[Syllabus for PHL 335 (REL 383)--Philosophies of Judaism--Spring 1998]

[Syllabus for PHL 335 (REL 383)--Philosophies of Judaism from 1996]

[Philosophies of Judaism: Useful and Interesting Links]












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